As the prophets of God said:
Then I will turn and rebuild the fallen tabernacle of David,
That other men and all nations may seek the Lord, among whom My name shall be proclaimed, says the Lord, who does all these things.
(Acts 15:16,17)
We are living in the last days when the words of the ancient prophets of God are being fulfilled.
God is restoring the Tabernacle of David throughout the face of the earth, on all continents, so that together with the Jewish people, all nations can seek the Lord and become true worshipers of the Father.
King David, whom God called a man after His own heart (1 Samuel 13:14), built a tabernacle for the ark of the Lord 2 Samuel 6:17. The Ark of the Lord was a symbol of the nearness of God and the revelation of his Will.
The ark of the Lord was brought into the Tabernacle of David with exclamations, musical praise and dancing.
The Tabernacle of David became a place of worship for God. Since the time of King David, the Tabernacle of David has been a place of God's presence, where a person seeking God could worship Him, be in His presence and fellowship with Him.
As a prophet of God, King David established a tabernacle for worshiping God in prayer and singing, in music and dancing, because Heaven is filled with such an atmosphere before the Throne of the King of all kings.
Through the prophet Amos (Amos 9:11), who lived in the 8th century BC. e. God said He would restore the tabernacle of David.
In these last days, the words of the prophets come true and God restores the Tabernacle of David, in which, together with the Jewish people, all nations worship the King of all kings throughout the earth.
The prophet Jeremiah ch.31:31-34 predicted this time, when through the coming of Jesus the Messiah the New Testament was concluded in the shed blood of Jesus,
The prophet Isaiah in chapter 53 describes Jesus the Messiah, who bore the sin of many. And everyone who accepts by faith the Love of the Father, revealed through His Son to us, becomes a true worshiper of the Father in the tabernacle of David, which connects Heaven and earth in a common worship of the God of all the earth!